a) Please look for and click "Login" at the upper right of the page
Attending Training
a) Once you login, please start with Pre-Test and click "complete" to continue to next module to start the training
b) Each video will come with timer, once fulfill the video duration, "complete" button will appear at the bottom of the screen for you to click to complete and continue to save your training hour.
c) There are several modules/videos/units in each training topic. Please click "Complete" button at the bottom of the page to save your training hour spent and move to next module.
d) You are allowed to attend the training module by module at different time but make sure you completed your existing module and click "Complete" to save your training time.
g) You are allowed to use any device like handphone, laptop and Ipad to attend the online training.
h) If you have difficult to view some video, maybe due to your limited memory of your device or your company firewall has blocked the youtube video.
a) There will be a Pre Test before the training and Post Test after the training. There is 80% passing requirement for Post Test but you are allowed redo until you get 80%
b) Please complete the Evaluation at the end of the module before you get course completion notification
c) Once completed all, please reply to email that you received and we will issue certificate to you soon.